Find everything you need to know about Jenius

Most common question


Who can use Jenius app?

All Indonesian citizens who already have KTP and smartphone.

I am still a student, can I create my own Jenius account?

Yes, you can, as long as you have a KTP.

Can I still create a Jenius account if I’m not eligible to have a KTP yet?

No. You can’t make a Jenius account if you are not eligible yet to own a KTP.

What kind of smartphone and operating system can be used for Jenius app?

All type of Android smartphones with min. Kitkat 4.42 operating system and iPhone with min. iOS 9 can experience Banking Reinvented by downloading Jenius app here.

Especially for iOS users who have updated to iOS 15.5, the downloaded Jenius app should be the latest version (v3.14.0) in order to be able to use Jenius optimally.

What should I prepare before creating Jenius account?

To create a Jenius account, you need to prepare your KTP and a Taxpayer Identity Number (NPWP) that you submit in your tax report (if you have one).

If further verification is required, you need to prepare supporting documents such as Driving License/Passport/Student Card or other ID cards that the name listed in accordance with the original identity card.

Can I use my photocopied KTP for Jenius registration?

No, you can’t. You can only use your original KTP. Photocopied, scanned, or edited KTP can’t be used for Jenius registration.

If I don’t have or have not yet received my e-KTP, can I create a Jenius account?

If you have a valid KTP, but not e-KTP, you can still create a Jenius account.

If you haven’t received and still in the process of creating an e-KTP, you can create a Jenius account by taking a picture of the copy of your e-KTP receipt in the registration process and providing an additional identification document to our Jenius Crew, such as SIM (driving license) or passport, while doing your account activation.

Can I use Reference Letter or e-KTP receipt to create a Jenius account?

Yes, you can, as long as the Reference Letter is still valid.

I don’t have an NPWP, can I create a Jenius account?

Yes, you can. If you don’t have an NPWP because you are not yet obligated to report tax, choose “No” under the question “Are you obligated to annually report and pay your tax?” in the registration process. Later on when you are obligated to file an annual tax report, don’t forget to upload your NPWP in Profile page.

Alternatively, you can upload your parent’s or spouse’s NPWP.

Can I create a Jenius account without having a Taxpayer Identity Number (NPWP)?

Yes. Even so, you still have to upload your Taxpayer Identity Number (NPWP) within 2 weeks after completing the registration process.

Can I access Jenius Terms & Conditions from elsewhere?

Yes. You can read Jenius Terms & Conditions here.

I’m a US citizen. Does that mean I can’t open a Jenius account?

Unfortunately, no. You need to have an Indonesian KTP to open a Jenius account.

Will I get a notification if there are any updates to the Terms & Conditions?

Yes. You will be notified via your registered e-mail if there are any updates to the Terms & Conditions within 30 working days before the new Terms & Conditions apply.

I didn’t receive the e-mail about the update of the Terms & Condition. What should I do?

Check your inbox and look for the latest e-mail from [email protected] or you might check your spam/junk as well.

If you couldn’t find it there, you can contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 or e-mail [email protected] to get the latest version of the Terms & Conditions.

How do I access the previous Terms & Conditions version?

You can contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 or e-mail [email protected] to request the previous version of the Terms & Conditions.

What if I disagree to the update of the Terms & Conditions?

If you don’t agree with the update of the Terms & Conditions, contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 to get information on stopping the use of the product/service.

If you don’t adress your disagreement by contacting Jenius Help within 30 working days after the Terms & Condition update info is sent, you will be considered to have agreed to it.

How can I start using Jenius?

You can start by downloading the Jenius app and doing the registration process inside the Jenius app.

How do I register a Jenius account?

You can visit a Jenius booth near you or simply follow these steps:

  1. Download the Jenius app on the AppStore or GooglePlay.
  2. Prepare your ID card (KTP) and Tax Payer Identity Number (NPWP, optional) to register.
  3. On the intro page, choose Register.
  4. Input your active e-mail and mobile number.
  5. Take a picture of your KTP, then wait for a few moments until the KTP reading process is done.
  6. Make sure your KTP data is correct and fill in the other data needed.
  7. Complete Face Recognition for your account security. Make sure you don’t wear any accessories on your face, your connection is stable, you are in a well-lit spot, and your face is inside the frame for an optimal Face Recognition process.
  8. Pick a name to be printed in your Jenius debit card (m-Card).
  9. Create your Jenius password and device PIN.
  10. Link your mobile number by sending a verification link via SMS.
  11. Jenius registration is successful! Once your Jenius account has been activated, you can request your debit card (m-Card) from the Jenius app by adding IDR500,000 to your Active Balance. This is not a minimum balance and you can use it later.
Is there any requirement for e-mail address to be registered for Jenius?

Any e-mail address can be used as long as it is still active.

How long does it take for my KTP data to be read?

You only need to wait for a few seconds for your KTP data to be read if your KTP photo is clear and the KTP is in a good condition.

What if my KTP is already faded and can’t be read clearly?

You can still continue your Jenius registration by inputting your KTP data manually. Make sure the data you input is as stated on your KTP, ok!

Why is it mandatory to fill in personal data?

It is a requirement from OJK (as the regulator) when opening a bank account.

Can I still create a Jenius account if I don’t have my own income?

Yes, you can, just follow the given steps to register and activate your Jenius account in this page. However, you still need to upload a picture of your Beneficiary Owner’s Taxpayer Identity Number.

Is it possible to change the name that will be printed on the debit card during the registration process?

You can choose from the options we provide, but if it’s already printed on your main Jenius Debit Card or your m-Card, you won’t be able to make any changes.

I was asked to create PIN and password, what is the difference?

PIN and password are needed for different usage. PIN or device PIN is needed to access your Jenius account from your smartphone. Password is needed to log in and account verification when making transactions. For more information, you can read this article.

My registration process was interrupted, can I continue it?

You can continue the registration process with the same device within 24 hours. If you would like to continue with another device or reinstall the application, then you have to do the registration process all over again.

What should I do if my registration always fails?

Should this happen, please contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 so that Jenius Crew can help you resolve the matter.

I’ve tried the registration process for a couple of times but always fail. Are there any certain steps I need to do?

Here are some things you need to consider while doing the onboarding process:

  • E-mail address should be written in lowercase (max. 35 characters).
  • Phone numbers need to be typed manually (not copy-paste from the contact list on your smartphone) and avoid spaces.
  • If you didn’t receive a verification code or OTP, make sure your date/time settings in your smartphone is auto-sync.
  • Write your name in capital letters.
  • Make sure the password consists of lowercase, capital letters, numbers, and at least 10 characters.
  • The answer to your security question should be in lowercase to avoid confusion later.
  • Do not tap on your smartphone’s screen repeatedly while registering, please wait for the app to process your data.
  • If you fail to enter your PIN 3 times, please wait for 5 minutes before trying again.
Can I use my Jenius account right after finishing the registration process?

After completing the registration process, your Jenius account is still not active yet. After the personal data verification is completed and your account is activated, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your account is active.

If in my place of residence there is no Jenius booth and BTPN Sinaya branch offices, can I still use the Jenius application?

Yes, you can keep using Jenius app.

Can I change my personal details that is already registered in Jenius app?

Yes, you can, by following this steps after your account is active:

  1. Choose Profile in the bottom navigation.
  2. Tap the gear icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Choose Personal Details.
  4. Change your personal details, then choose Save.
What should I do if I didn’t receive a verification code or OTP?

You can request a new verification code by pressing the Resend button. If you have requested for a new code 3 times in a row, please wait 5 minutes before continuing or contact Jenius Help at 1500 365 for help.

How can I make sure that the e-mail and SMS for verification is really from Jenius?

Please make sure that the e-mail you received is from [email protected].

What is Face Recognition?

A security feature that identifies the authenticity of the face detected in the camera.

Why do I have to do Face Recognition during the registration process of my Jenius account?

Face Recognition is needed to protect your ID from being misused by other people, due to the fact that opening Jenius account does not take place in a bank and in front of a bank officer.

What are the device requirements for registering with Face Recognition?

You need an Android device with Kitkat 4.2 operating system or higher, or an iPhone with iOS 9 operating system or higher, equipped with:

  1. A functioning front camera,
  2. The latest version of the Jenius app, and
  3. A stable internet connection.
What will happen if I register without updating my Jenius app to the latest version?

If you register without updating the Jenius app to the latest version, you’ll need to activate your account through a Video Call or by visiting a Jenius booth.

Before registering, make sure your Jenius app is up to date to experience faster and safer registration and account activation with Face Recognition.

How long does it take to complete Face Recognition on Jenius registration?

Face Recognition only takes a few seconds if you follow the instructions on the screen.

What do I need to prepare before doing Face Recognition on Jenius registration?

Make sure you don’t wear any accessories on your face, your connection is stable, you are in a well-lit spot, and your face is inside the frame.

How many times can I retry Face Recognition?

You have a total of 3 attempts to do Face Recognition. If you failed your first attempt, you have 2 attempts left to retry.

Can I still create a Jenius account if something goes wrong during Face Recognition?

Yes. After 3 failed Face Recognition attempts, you can still continue your registration and verify your personal data at the end of the registration process if something goes wrong during Face Recognition.

What should I do if I have reached maximum attempts, but still haven’t succeeded?

You can continue your registration process first and verify your personal data at the end of the registration process.

What should I do if Jenius couldn’t recognize my face?

You can finish your registration in a Jenius booth nearest to you. See Jenius booth locations here.

How can we help?

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1500 365